Starworld Study and Visa Services

Refugee Visa


If you find yourself in a situation where you are experiencing persecution, significant discrimination, or human rights violations in your country of origin, or if you are considering seeking asylum in Australia, you may be eligible to apply for a variety of visas under the Refugee & Humanitarian Visa program offered by the Australian government. The specific requirements for different visa types will depend on the country from which you are applying. Here are some examples of the types of visas available and their corresponding requirements. 

Applying from Inside Australia?

Refugee Visa (Subclass 200, 201, 203 & 204)

If you are experiencing persecution in your country of origin, these visas provide an option to relocate to Australia with your family. They enable you to live, work, and study in Australia on a permanent basis.

Global Special Humanitarian Visa (Subclass 202)

With this visa you can move to Australia if you face substantial discrimination or human rights abuses, and have a proposer, and stay in Australia permanently with your immediate family.

Applying from Outside Australia?

Protection Visa (Subclass 866)

If you arrived in Australia with a valid visa and are seeking asylum, this visa is available to you. If you fulfill Australia’s protection obligations and all other visa requirements, you may remain in Australia permanently under this visa.

Temporary Protection Visa (Subclass 785)

If you arrived in Australia without a visa and are seeking asylum, this visa is available to you. If you fulfill Australia’s protection obligations and all other visa requirements, you may remain in Australia temporarily under this visa.

Safe Haven Enterprise Visa (Subclass 790)

This visa is intended for individuals who arrive in Australia without a visa and seek asylum. If you fulfill Australia’s protection obligations and meet all other visa requirements, you will be permitted to stay in Australia temporarily.

Frequently Asked Questions